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Elon Musk Quietly Merges Twitter with X Corp: What's Next for the Social Media Giant?

In a surprising turn of events, court documents have revealed that Elon Musk has merged Twitter Inc. with one of his companies, X Corp. Neither Twitter nor Musk has made any public announcements regarding the merger, but the details were disclosed during an unrelated lawsuit.

The lawsuit in question was filed by a user named Loomer, who sued Twitter after her account was banned in 2019 and remained suspended. While the lawsuit itself isn't particularly noteworthy, it inadvertently led to the disclosure of the merger due to the legal entities involved.

The court documents indicate that the merger between Twitter Inc. and X Corp. took place on March 15th, 2023, with the process completed by April 4th. The new combined company is registered in Nevada, with headquarters in San Francisco.

Elon Musk Quietly Merges Twitter with X Corp: What's Next for the Social Media Giant? - 第1张

Despite the absence of official statements from Twitter or Musk, the merger appears to be a legal entity change that is unlikely to affect the Twitter brand or its current operations. However, it raises questions about the future direction of the platform under Musk's leadership.

In the past, Musk has expressed interest in developing an all-in-one "X App" inspired by China's WeChat, which offers an array of services, making it possible to essentially live within the app. He has suggested that if Twitter could become more like WeChat, it would achieve significant success.

It remains unclear whether Musk plans to launch a separate X App or continue with the Twitter brand while incorporating new features and improvements. However, recent changes on the platform over the past six months indicate that Musk may indeed be steering Twitter towards a more WeChat-like model.

As the industry awaits further announcements or developments, the quiet merger of Twitter with X Corp. has certainly piqued interest in the future of the social media giant under Elon Musk's direction.

